
Showing posts from July, 2013


I hate it. Nggak selamanya semua hal harus sesuai sama keinginan kita, kan? Harusnya aku sudah tahu. Bahkan aku yang nggak kuat cerita ke Kim walaupun mungkin kalau seandainya ada seseorang melihatku sedang bicara dengan seekor kucing , mungkin aku sudah dianggap gila. But I really can't stand alone. I need someone who can listen to me, listen to what I really feels and what things that bothering my mind. Akhirnya aku pilih Kim. Walaupun Kim nanggepinnya nggak memuaskan-- kedip-kedip kayak kucing tak berdosa (memangnya kucing punya dosa) sambil dengkur di pangkuanku--tapi sudah berhasil sedikit menghapus kekesalan yang aku rasakan hari ini. Arrrrrggghhhh! Kenapa alam semesta membuat skenario semenyedihkan ini? Aku tahu, semua hal pasti ada hikmahnya. Now I feel so dumb when I remembered that time, I just kept silent and did nothing to repair this fault returned to its origin--when everything seems okay. Duh, aku memang naif. Tapi kesabaranku juga ada batasnya. Please don...

Kimmy Dissapear

What is one of the most terrible and worst day ever of my life? Today. Actually tonight. When I'm home and I really missed my cat, I couldn't see her. She's missing. I don't know where to find. I wanna crying like a baby but I can't. I feel so sad till I can't cry, also I can't sleep. I just being petrified when I saw a bottle of cat shampoo--which I bought it from Hypermart 4 hours ago with happy feelings that finally I can wash her hair. I don't know where to find her. She is a very coward cat, I'm afraid something happened to her. And now I just can do nothing. Just  stare at my room, stare at my self. And just praying to God. God, please bring her back. Kimmy, please go home .